Devoted mother to two beautiful daughters, a self-proclaimed introvert, Real Estate nerd, and IT Goddess.

Anyone that knows me knows that my kids are my life. I am the single mother of two of the most beautiful creatures that God put on this Earth. I could not ask for anything more than them. But as kids do, they grew up and leave home. It has not been an easy road, but I have learned to embrace it and I’ve spent the last couple of years learning how to live my life without them. I have made great new friends, connected with family members in ways that I never have before, and spend my time volunteering for Zonta, Rotary, Z-Club, or any fundraiser going on in town.
Being a single mom, I moved to the Fabulous Florida Keys some 20 years ago to raise my girls. I grew up in West Palm Beach and wanted a different life for my kids. So we took a chance, moved south, and never looked back.
I have been a Real Estate Appraiser for almost as long as I have lived here and love the history of this town, its people, and the Keys in general. My head is full of stories from the old days and plenty of little-known facts that fascinate only me. If you’ve lived here long enough you have had the great pleasure of knowing my boss and mentor Alan Schmitt. On a regular basis, I let him know that I am still here running his company, doing him proud and that some man has not swooped me up and moved me to Alaska yet.
Computers run in my veins. My Dad is an IT genius and I am more than happy to follow in his footsteps. How else is a girl supposed to connect with her father? I am a nerd through and through. I grew up around computers and have always had a knack for them. In 2010 I went to work for the City of Marathon where I immediately became aware of how little I knew about them. Over the years the great employees of the City trained me very well and gave me some of the skills I have today. Since leaving the City, I have procured a handful of hand-picked companies that I service and that I am proud to call my clients.
Since my kids’ departure, I have learned to fill my life with my beloved friends (you know who you are), my sweet puppy Abigail (she’s 15), and many many many twinkle lights.
Miles, Fenrir, and Ed. How can I forget them? Miles’ European name is Kilometers, Fen was renamed, Finnegan, and Ed. Miles and Fen belong to my children but have been known to come and spend extended periods of time with me. Ed, the cat, is our newest addition. He wreaks havoc and keeps us all on our toes.
The Swim team, my beloved swim team. You will always and forever push a pull door. After all these years you keep me young, not sane but young. You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten.
I am a mother, a daughter, a sister. I am my own person. I am strong, smart, powerful, passionate, courageous, and generous. Cooking barefoot is only one of my superpowers.